Football clubs have honor boards for special supporters and with Mrs Crikey now having $40,000 in proceeds from the sale of the Crikey bunker frozen, we’re in a bit of a corner. Why not donate to Australia’s best known independent media voice to help keep the dream alive.

Denis M: contributed $500 during the Victorian election campaign which was sent to our temporary office at the top of 101 Collins Street which cost $4000 for about 5 days. Denis has now made another incredibly generous donation which puts him top of the pops.

Mike is a chap who runs a company called Envirochem Technologies and he has been incredibly gererous in donating $500 on top of spending $100 subscribing and renewing. What a guy.

Gwen: a friend who contributed $500 just before Jeffed was launched in September 1999 but I’d like to repay her if possible one day.

Anna: $500 from an Asian hot spot was very generous.

Kevin C: an earlier $300 donation has been topped up with another $200 just to help us keep going.

Neal Woolrich: $200 donation at Sydney fundraiser and now he’s taken six months of his job with a major accounting firm to work voluntarily for Crikey. What a legend. His message: “Have a good time, all the time.” – Savage, Viv.

Mark W: Renewed last year and threw in a $156 donation.

Anon: $199: Message: “My first years $55 sub to Crikey was cheap at the price just for the entertainment value let alone the really good news stories and commentaries. The only downside for me was was your lapse into bleeding heart democratism during the election campaign. I was toying with giving you away until the latest Steve Price move. Best of luck.

Martin S: subscribed for $55 and then threw in a $100 donation last year for a total contribution of $155.

Graham: Many thanks for the $100 donation with the renewal last year.

Mr Adair: $100 donation on top of at least one subscription.

Mr Avery: made an unsolicited $100 donation during the Victorian election campaign.

Peter M: contributed $100 over lunch in Sydney last year and is a subscriber too.

Rox and Matt: My old work mate married my old flat mate and they donated $120 to the cause last year.

Matthew, Andrew and Jeremy: three barristers on Paula’s former floor contributed $120 last year.


If you want to join the Crikey Honour Board, all you need to do is to have contributed more than $100 in cash or services to Crikey and then send through 20 words of your own choosing.

If you are not yet a subscriber, you can join the list by hitting the subscribe link at the bottom of the page and including a $45 donation.

This initial list is a little vague so those already on it are encouraged to send in 20 words of their own choosing and those who should be on it for services in kind or cash donations can also send through their entries to