Close – but no cigar – for Suzanne Carbone and Lawrence Money, The Age’s new/old daily gossip team. In their rundown of feedback to their ‘Diary’ column, they gave Crikey two mentions today:

Carbone: ‘Someone called Lewis L. has written to to say you are “not a journalist’s sphincter”!…Hugo of Crikey says Diary “is the very model of modern gossip column” and… Money: Hugo also said you are an “exceptional beauty”.

All true. But, sorry Suzanne and Lawrence, you dropped the “.au”, so you miss out on your free Crikey subscription. Must try harder.

In the interests of transparency, here’s the email exchange that prompted today’s Age mention. Spurred by the unkind “sphincter” reference //, I dropped them the following line:

—–Original Message—–
From: Hugo
Sent: Tuesday, 1 March 2005 5:54 PM
To: Lawrence MONEY
Subject: The Bracks Belly edition

Lovely work today, LM. the very model of a modern gossip column.

Just a little food for thought: With the development of his belly & manboobs, the Premier is taking on an eerily Lathamesque appeareance.
And we know that ended in tears.

Meanwhile, I understand omen punters were disappointed today when a nag named Danish Princess was unplaced in the 6th at Sandown…

—- Original Message —-
Subject: RE: The Bracks Belly edition
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 11:10:16 +1100

Hi Hugo:

Thanks for that. I’ll put your kinds remarks in the ”Good” pile alongside the baddies bin full of stuff like ”journalist’s sphincter” and ”gossipy crap!” Hoo-wee, can’t say Diary hasn’t been noticed! Reminds me of my start on the Tattler column in The Herald back in the 80s.

—–Original Message—–
From: Hugo []
Sent: Wednesday, 2 March 2005 11:31 AM
To: Lawrence MONEY
Subject: RE: The Bracks Belly edition

Yairs. but one small difference: back then, you didn’t have an exceptional beauty to share your byline with…

Subject: FW: RE: The Bracks Belly edition
Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 11:54:31 +1100

Yeah, pretty spunky huh? Another email for the ”Good” basket!!!

CRIKEY: Sounds like Lawrence is enjoying his new partner in gossip.