“Dear dear, dear Blogs, this is
getting very trying. Why do I have to tell everyone that the economy is
strong and that is why interest rates may be going up? Ordinarily
that’s Peter’s job, but he’s away with the fairies “broadening his
appeal”! Even Nick, the one a chardonnay would knock over, has had to
be out there defending the faith.

“It could get worse, though. It won’t take long for some
smart-arse to opine that my decision that China is a market economy
shows I wouldn’t recognise a real one if it bit my backside. Here, it
does seem that Australia grows faster when we the government make all
the important decisions. What have business done for us, except
criticise? Look how they had no foresight over infrastructure or
training. As a result of our efforts, at least you get a burger served
perfectly.” Read more here.