A Crikey reader writes:

Funny how The Daily Telegraph failed to mention in [yesterday’s] paper that it had a starring role in Rodney Adler’s hearing, when he gave an account about how his home was staked out by Tele journos at 4.15am, leading him to fear for his life. Wonder why The Tele left this bit out when it recounted Adler’s teary description of his “emotional torment” on the stand.

Why didn’t TheTele reveal that, in fact, it was the cause of his torment?

The SMH happily gave the full version here.

CRIKEY: Hmmm, we wouldn’t want to give too much credence to Adler’s woe-is-me sob story – as much as we’re happy to sink the boot into TheDaily Tele when it gets things wrong, Alder clearly used the media’s pursuit of him to paint himself as a sypathetic figure and deflect attention from his guilt. But it does seem weak of Telegraph editor Campbell Reid not to publish Adler’s criticism of his own paper… if he’s comfortable with his conduct, and that of his journalists, what’s he got to hide?