The Nine Network TWICE rejected an approach
to telecast tomorrow’s memorial service for Graham Kennedy from his
friend, Tony Sattler, then changed its mind and “harangued” him when he
would not agree to its terms.
can reveal that Nine baulked at added costs of a mere $12,000 for extra
TV monitors. In doing so it lost the opportunity to repair some of the
damage done to relations with the Kennedy camp when Kerry Packer
refused to help the ailing TV star back in 2001 when he needed money to
pay for full-time nursing.

But over the weekend, Nine was
plugging its broadcast without disclosing that it would not be inside
the theatre where the service will be held. Nine will be on the
outside, looking in, Seven will be inside, covering the service in its
entirety. Seven has offered its broadcast to all networks, including

The Nine executive who said “no” was Ian Audsley, who
came to Nine about two years ago from Seven in Melbourne and apparently
didn’t understand the relationship between Nine, Chisholm, the Packers
and Kennedy.

Tony Sattler wanted Big Screen TV monitors placed
outside the theatre so any overflow and members of the public could
watch the service. Audsley said no after being told the cost of these
monitors was $12,000.

The trouble is Sam Chisholm was under
the impression that the deal was done. So when he learned of the Seven
press release trumpeting its coverage from INSIDE the theatre, he was
upset, in his own way: summoning Audsley to his third floor office and
demanding answers.