Has there been a government in history that has sacked so many bureaucrats and so few Ministers as the NSW Labor administration over the past 12 years? How’s this for a long list?

Amanda Adrian: sacked as Health Care Complaints Commission by Health Minister Morris Iemma in 2004 after the inquiry into the Camben and Campbelltown hospitals.

Helen Bauer: sacked in 1998 after just 15 months as head of the difficult Department of Community Services.

Ken Baxter: Bob Carr hired Jeff Kennett’s top bureaucrat when he won office in 1995 but then fired his departmental secretary in 1997.

Ron Bruce
: sacked from his State Rail position in charge of the Tangara train project a few days after the Waterfall inquiry.

Grahame Bush:
stood down as chairman of the South Western Sydney Area Health Service over the Camden and Campbelltown hospital scandals.

Jennifer Collins: sacked as general manager of the Camden and Campbelltown Hospitals but since exonerated by ICAC and now running an unfair dismissal action.

Energy Australia Board:
Treasurer Michael Egan sacked all six board members of what was then Australia’s biggest electricity distributor in November 1997 but never really gave an adequate explanation.

Paul Forward: quit as CEO of the Roads and Traffic Authority last week after what Roads Minister Joe Tripodi called “a grave mistake” in not disclosing full details of the financial liabilities for taxpayers in the Cross City Tunnel contract.

Mal Hemmerling: sacked as CEO of SOCOG by Michael Knight in 1997.

Robyn Henderson: sacked as head of the Deparment of Women whilst on holidays in Portugal.

Major General Horrie Howard:
Director General State Emergency Service. “Retired” not long after the April 1999 hailstorms debacle but was given a couple of board positions.

Howard Lacy
: terminated as CEO of State Rail when Michael Costa became Transport Minister in 2003.

Kaye Loder:
sacked by Bob Carr as chairwoman of the NSW Casino Control Authority in April 2000 after making comments on Four Corners suggesting she would prefer drug money went through the Sydney casino rather than interstate.

Jan McClelland: sacked from the Department of Education and Training following Andrew Refshauge’s move from Planning.

Jock Murray
: sacked as director general of Transport under Carl Scully.

Arthur Smith: former deputy CEO of State Rail was sacked a few days after the Waterfall inquiry.

Bob Smith:
Director general of the Department of Land & Water Conservation (DLWC) from 1995-96 and at the same time DG NSW State Forests, removed by then Minister in 2003 when department merged with Planning and there were some timber supply issues.

Ian Southwell:
sacked as CEO of the South Western Sydney Area Health Service over the Camden and Campbelltown hospital scandals

Brain Steffen: sacked as Director-General of the NSW Ministry of Energy and Utilities in February 2004 by Frank Sartor.

Alex Walker:
departed as CEO of Sydney Water in 2003. The Opposition claimed at the time he was “made to carry the can for the board and the government’s incompetence”.

This list will probably finish up at more than 30, so keep the additions and suggestions coming to smayne@crikey.com.au.