The Oz has reproduced a rather scary report by Sarah Baxter from The Sunday Times – “Apocalyptic Ahmadinejad rattles sabre”. Careful readers will have noticed that the price of oil is again on the rise. Whether Mr Ahmadinejad does something provocative on Tuesday night or at the end of the month (when he has the opportunity to put a finger in the air as he responds to the UN deadline on nuclear matters), Henry’s reading is that he is unlikely to respond sanely to the implied invitation to join the civilised nations of the world.

So we seem to be going into another period of particular uncertainty and instability, or perhaps we never left it.

Sir Wellington Boot has responded constructively to our report on Mark Steyn’s fine talk on largely demographic matters. “Henry… the knees up for that great fighter Mark Steyn sounds like it was a fine affair. One wonders whether any of the actual government decision makers in Australia who were there are going to be still thinking about this crucial problem come Monday.”

He offers advice on relevant policy issues: “Mark Steyn concentrated on the problem in Europe being the catastrophic birth rates of the Europeans. This situation is related to insecurity; insecurity of finances and employment (so stop shipping jobs to China, especially middle and low level jobs); insecurity of housing (try getting a flat anywhere in Europe…THAT is why so many 30 year olds are still at home. It isn’t Mama’s gnocchi); cultural insecurity which leaves so many young people coming out from schools to joblessness and unprepared by their ‘education’ to have any sensible ideas about even an imaginable future.”

Sir Wellington’s list is well worth reading folks, especially if you have any influence in Canberra or among the bruvvers who run Her Majesty’s loyal opposition.

Read more at Henry Thornton.