Mile high club member and self-confessed call girl Lisa Robertson will be receiving some extra attention soon, but not the type she became accustomed to down at the Gateway Gentlemen’s Club in Sydney.

Word from the tax office bunker suggests that Michael D’Ascenzo’s G-Men have had the tax microscope on the attractive Robertson for a while and are set to pounce.

Stories about big media contracts, moonlighting as a prostitute in Australia, New York and New Zealand and an all expenses paid holiday have pricked the ears of the tax commissioner. A senior ATO source told me: “We would be very interested to know whether she has declared all her income in her tax returns. There are conflicting stories of whether she has been paid her media contract money or whether her bankruptcy trustee has confiscated it.”

In particular he said the following areas would come under investigation:

  • An estimated $120,000 she was paid for her story by 60 Minutes and Britain’s The Mail On Sunday.
  • Working under the name Kendall at the Pelican Club brothel in New Zealand, she earned between $NZ500 and $NZ600 per night.
  • Her first client in New Zealand was a wealthy businessman who paid her $NZ1000 to have dinner with him and later flew her to New York for several days.
  • Working at Stiletto, the infamous Sydney brothel owned by racing identity Eddie Hayson, where she also worked under the name Kendall earning up to $2000 a night.
  • Working at the Gateway Gentlemen’s Club in Sydney under the name Skye earning $285 an hour.
  • Marie Claire magazine’s all expenses paid holiday in return for an exclusive article.

Another area likely to receive attention is yesterday’s Sunday Telegraph story where Robertson revealed to the world her secret life as a high paid prostitute. The Sunday Telegraph said it did not pay Ms Robertson for the interview.

The ATO source said, “We find it hard to believe The Sunday Telegraph did not pay for the interview as there were reports during the week that Robertson was hanging up on journalists who were chasing the escort story. So there must have been something to prompt her to tell all to the Sunday Telegraph.”

Sunday Telegraph Editor, Neil Breen, writes: I just read the piece by Chris Seage regarding the tax office looking into the financial affairs of Lisa Robertson. His ATO source said he found it “hard to believe” The Sunday Telegraph did not pay her for the story. I can assure yourself, Chris and his ATO source we did not pay Ms Robertson.