Blogger to live in all-green East Hampton house: A new house, built halfway into the Earth of East Hampton, is all about footprints. Maybe a sweaty one. For a month, it’ll be a lab where the subject — an SUV-driving, multipack-smoking and big-meat-eating blogger from Sag Harbor — admits he’ll be “dragged kicking and screaming” into the green life by living in a house built to be 90-percent sustainable with eco-friendly design and decked out with pro-environment furnishings.

Temperature rises ‘not caused by sun’: Claims in a controversial Channel 4 programme that recent rises in global temperatures have been caused by the sun have been disproved by scientists. The programme, the Great Global Warming Swindle, claimed that instead of greenhouse gases from human activity being to blame for a recent surge in temperatures, a change in solar activity was responsible because it influenced the number of cosmic rays that strike the Earth. Guardian

Songs for an overheated planet: They will come from the highest ranks of the pop aristocracy tomorrow, filling stages on seven continents. As part of Live Earth, a planetwide series of concerts meant to encourage all people to live, consume and vote eco-responsibly, they will use their fame to persuade a global audience that climate change is not only an urgent problem but one they can help solve. Madonna. The Police. The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Dave Matthews, Bon Jovi, Kanye West, Metallica. And Nunatak. New York Times

Oldest DNA samples found on Greenland: The world’s oldest DNA samples, retrieved from beneath a mile-deep cap of ice, have revealed a “lost world” of forest animals and plants that once thrived on Greenland before it became a frozen desert. Muddy sediments from the bottom of a 2km (1.2 mile) ice core have, for the first time, provided direct evidence that Greenland was covered in a dense forest teeming with flora and fauna less than a million years ago. Scientists have extracted fragments of DNA estimated at 450,000-900,000 years old from a rich variety of organisms. These include beetles, butterflies and moths. Independent

760,000 Chinese a year die from pollution: 760,000 Chinese die prematurely each year from polluted air and water, according to estimates to be released by the World Bank. Reuters reports that diarrhea and cancer from dirty drinking water cause 66,000 premature deaths a year, while outdoor air pollution kills 396,000 people per year. Indoor air pollution, mostly from coal-burning stoves and cooking oil, kills another 300,000. Monga Bay