Papers detail industry’s role in Cheney’s energy report: A confidential list prepared by the Bush administration shows that Dick Cheney and his aides had already held at least 40 meetings with interest groups, most of them from energy-producing industries. By the time of the meeting with environmental groups, according to a former White House official who provided the list to The Washington Post, the initial draft of the task force was substantially complete and President Bush had been briefed on its progress. The Washington Post

Asian-Pacific countries discuss responses to climate change at UN-backed meeting: A United Nations-backed meeting on how Asian-Pacific countries can mitigate the impacts of climate change began today in Seoul, where participants called for action to foster sustainable growth. UN News Centre

Huge underground lake could end Darfur conflict – US scientist: The recent discovery of a huge underground lake in Sudan could spell an end to four years of conflict in the drought-stricken region of Darfur, a US geologist said Wednesday. France24

NSW Govt accused of breaking greenhouse promise: The Nature Conservation Council says the New South Wales Government has broken its election promise to review the state’s greenhouse-gas emissions targets. ABC Online

Vandals attack man’s Hummer, leave note: When Gareth Groves brought home his massive new Hummer, he knew his environmentally friendly neighbors disapproved. But he didn’t expect what happened next. NY Times