The 2007 federal election is looming – but how will you vote if you don’t understand the game?

The Crikey Guide to the 2007 Federal Election explains how the system works and how the pollies are working the system.

As Howard attempts a fifth successive term and Rudd hopes to lead a reinvigorated Labor back from the wilderness, Christian Kerr and the Crikey team identify the power players of the election campaign and explain the significance of polling, the press gallery and lobbyists.

The Crikey Guide to the 2007 Federal Election helps you see through the dog-whistling, pork-barrelling, mud-slinging, bub-wrangling, and choking smoke and highly polished mirrors of the Australian political process. Vote 1 for informed choice. The book will be in stores on Monday, published by Penguin and priced winningly at $19.95.

In the best Crikey tradition of creative recycling we have also pilfered key content from the book for our website. From today you can enjoy the following features at The Best Seats in the House: Key Marginals; Full House: The House of Representatives; What to Watch Out For In The Senate and The Most Critical Seat.  

   CHRISTIAN KERR writes: ”John Howard has a massive 25% lead as the better economic manager – yet his government is lagging seven points behind Labor …”Leave your comment at the Crikey Politics free For All now.