The history (and future) of environmental scepticism If you think those who have long challenged the mainstream scientific findings about global warming recognize that the game is over, think again. Yes, 19 million people watched the “Live Earth” concerts last month, titans of corporate America are calling for laws mandating greenhouse cuts, “green” magazines fill newsstands, and the film based on Al Gore’s best-selling book, “An Inconvenient Truth,” won an Oscar. But outside Hollywood, Manhattan and other habitats of the chattering classes, the denial machine is running at full throttle-and continuing to shape both government policy and public opinion. – Sharon Begley, Newsweek

US media to blame for climate change. Sorta. Mainstream U.S. media are to blame for stalled international efforts to reach an agreement to fight climate change, according to a new analysis released by a media watchdog group. The report, in the latest edition of a magazine published by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, said there are multiple examples of major American media organizations watering down recent warnings from peer-reviewed scientific literature about the consequences of global warming and the human-produced pollution that is causing it. – CanWest 

Green website launch 1. A new United Nations Internet site, “Gateway to the UN System’s Work on Climate Change”, that highlights the wide-ranging work of the various parts of the United Nations system on climate change was launched today. The new website makes it easier for Internet users to find information on climate change from across the United Nations system. — Presszoom
Green website launch 2. Oscar-winning actress Cate Blanchett has urged Australians to lobby their local politicians to combat climate change. The movie star today visited drought-ravaged Lake Samsonvale, north of Brisbane, to help launch a new web-based campaign, The campaign, run by the Australian Conservation Foundation, urges people to visit the website and express their concerns about climate change and the steps they are taking to help the environment. – The SMH