CHOGM and the election. The next CHOGM is in Uganda on 21 November. Does this affect election timing predictions?

Interesting twists in NT cabinet shuffle. There are interesting twists to the cabinet re-shuffle announced this morning in the Northern Territory. The Chief Minister takes on Police Fire and Emergency Services, which ups the ante considerably in response to the federal government’s national emergency. The only other shuffle of major import is the promotion of Marion Scrymgour to Family and Community Services (she loses the environment portfolio), as well as a new title as minister for the protection of children. These will put her face to face with her federal counterpart, Senator Nigel Scullion–the same guy vociferously denying any boozing was going on at Bathurst Island a few weeks ago. Of course, Bathurst Island is part of Ms Scrymgour’s seat of Arafura.

Howard’s NT plan costs. Anyone bother to check the cost of the NT take over of Indigenous communities? Running at about 1.7 B (yes, B)illion apparent

Pork in Manningham Federal pork is soon to be more than generously distributed amongst the residents of Melbourne’s City of Manningham, which is of course Kevin Andrews seat… Manningham local govt officers have been instructed to apply for federal funds asap and told they can bank on receiving grants for cultural development projects.

The death of the Independent Production sector. The announcement by Minister Brandis on Friday that changes to the Producer Rebate would benefit the Independent TV production industry is appalling on a number of counts. The Government gave access, to a limited number of key players in the Independent industry after signing confidentiality agreements, to the draft legislation. With access at 12 noon last Friday until 2.00pm today. Apart from the the fact that this window of opportunity to review the legislation is a joke, the minister had the gall to issue his press release prior to the Independent’s getting access to the legislation at Noon last Friday. With all the commercial networks being controlled entirely by foreign entities, in the case of Nine and TEN and half foreign controlled in the case of Seven, this gift to the broadcasters is appalling. This is the death of the Independent Production sector. Will the Prime Minister come to the funeral?

Paranoia and the Vic Liberals. Such is the level or paranoia in the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party that every set of minutes from meetings of Policy Assembly and the Administrative Committee is sent by State Director, Julian Sheezel, to be vetted by Liberal Party lawyer and Gadens partner, Dan Feldman.

Coles needs help. No wonder Coles is having trouble competing with Woolies, or competing period. At our local Greensborough, Vic, Coles last week, my wife witnessed a bloke pick up a load of LCD TV’s of around $380 value, in small flat cartons with a carry handle on the box, (that my wife had looked at) and calmly walk through a busy check out and walk out of the shopping centre. All check out staff had their heads down and nobody noticed him, except my wife. She immediately pointed it out to her checkout chick, who happened to have the front end supervisor with her. Both chicks said “I didn’t know we sold TVs”. Then my wife told them they did, and repeated the witnessing of the theft. Both chicks replied that they “guessed he got two TVs for nothing, ha ha.” Obviously they thought it funny.They just couldn’t give a rats a-se at a blatant theft under their noses. It was all too hard to think about. With staff including supervisory staff with that attitude, it seems to me there is something seriously wrong in that organisation. Senior management will need to get the attitude turned around before they can ever turn their business fortunes around. Meanwhile the Manager of the Greensborough store needs to start an a-se kicking party with his/her staff in my opinion.

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