This is a letter I wrote to Kevin Rudd, cc Julia Gillard and Jenny Macklin — sent on Tuesday 7 August 2007. I have received no reply.

I am sending it because like many others ”out here” I am totally devastated by the lack of awareness on the part of the Australian Labor Party in supporting the bills introduced by Mal Brough.

No one with any sense of decency, compassion or real caring about the exploitation and abuse of children would have chastised the ALP for calling a halt to the swift passage of these bills. Anyone with any decency, compassion and real caring about the exploitation and abuse of children would have welcomed a proper opportunity for all its provisions to be considered effectively and not, as has been the case, passed without proper perusal and reflection.

The ALP could have said that it had to seek the views of (Little Children Are Sacred authors) Anderson and Wild (for example) particularly as their report is the ”reason” the government put forward as the basis of the bills. It could have included consultation on the terms of the bills with the Indigenous Australian members of the NT parliament.

The alliance between the Howard government and the Rudd opposition is shameful. It does not represent the Australia in which I believe and have a stake.

The letter was as follows:

Dear Kevin Rudd

I have briefly perused the Bill proposed for Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory.

It is impossible to digest it fully at this time, and it will be impossible for the ALP (or anyone else in the Australian Parliament) to digest it in time for any vote on it on Friday this week.

The federal government’s approach indicates not any caring and concern for Indigenous Australian children, nor any appreciation of the damage and difficulties confronting children who are victims and survivors (or too often not survivors) of child sexual abuse and exploitation.

Far from showing a concern for the Indigenous children of the Northern Territory, the federal government by its actions and this legislation, giving no opportunity for proper consideration, shows its absolute disregard for those children’s rights, safety, security and right to justice and care.

I urge you and your colleagues not to be precipitated into supporting this legislation. If you do so, in the absence of being able to read and digest it properly and consider its implications and outcomes, then you too will act just as the federal government is acting.

Child sexual abuse and exploitation are serious wherever they occur. They need to be dealt with effectively. The federal government’s approach is not one that should be endorsed by the Australian Labor Party, and particularly not in a process that allows of no proper consideration and reflection.

There is urgency – yet the children will not be helped by this cavalier approach to their safety, wellbeing, health, security and rights.

Please – do not be pushed into supporting this legislation – at least without demonstrating that you and your colleagues have properly considered it and its implications.

Indigenous Australians need considered support and assistance. Following the recommendations of the Anderson-Wild Report would be a constructive start.

Every good wish,
Dr Jocelynne A. Scutt