Meanwhile, in the marginals, Minister for Ageing Christopher “old people are icky” Pyne has accused the union movement of luring the aged out of their nursing homes by promising them “hours of entertainment” but instead subjecting them to hours of Your Rights at Work indoctrination.

However, the most horrifying aspect to this story is that in between lectures ALP speakers, our senior citizens are being subjected to Adelaide cabaret act Irish Albert.  

As The Adelaide Advertiser reports, the events are being organised by the Makin  and Kingston Rights at Work community groups, which are backed by the Australian Council of Trade Unions.

Two events have been held in Kingston, with another planned next month for the Makin electorate.

The Tiser writes:

In the latest “seniors event”, staged last Thursday by the Kingston group, residents of the Aldis Nursing Home and The Vales Aged Care at Morphett Vale were given free tickets and transport to an event promising an afternoon of entertainment at the Southern Districts Working Men’s Club at Morphett Vale.


While the event included routine cabaret act Irish Albert, it also featured speeches by SA Unions secretary Janet Giles, State Labor MP Gay Thompson and federal Labor candidate for the seat of Kingston, Amanda Rishworth. Residents said when they left the event, they were each handed “a shopping bag full of Labor Party literature”.