A visit to Scores — innocent laddish fun?  

Maybe – but there’s usually another side to these sorts of joints, and the New York Daily News had plenty to say about Scores just over two years ago:

The former owner of Scores tried to muscle his way back into control of the strip club by sending hammer-wielding thugs to beat and threaten the skin joint’s current bosses, according to a $100 million lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court.

The suit accuses former owner Irving Bilzinsky and former head bouncer Nerim (Big John) Gjonbalaj of waging “a program of violence and intimidation” to push the new owners out of control of the Scores clubs.

The suit charges the duo with ordering death threats and beatings of new owners Richard Goldring and Elliot Osher. The plaintiffs say they were told they could keep a Miami Scores, but not the two New York clubs, at W. 28th St. and E. 60th St…

The violence began in February, according to the suit, when Harvey Osher, Elliot’s brother, was beaten in Manhattan by two former Scores employees. On April 5, Elliot, Harvey, and another brother, William Osher, were allegedly attacked in Brooklyn by 12 men wielding clubs and hammers.

“In the end, what it comes down to is it is just a business dispute,” the Daily News quoted Goldring and Osher’s lawyer, Donald David, as saying.

Ah yes. Just the way the family foot soldier Tessio says at the end of The Godfather, when he’s about to be escorted out to the car and to his death: “Tell Mike it was only business. I always liked him.”