Getting hot under the collar about flawed temperatures. Fox, Washington Times, and their like have gone bananas over a flaw discovered in the computer program that produces global temperatures at GISS each month. They have even managed to get Congress and NASA Headquarters involved. Now we know what mom meant when she said “don’t make a federal case out of it.” Hey, what is really going on here?… – James Hansen, Columbia University

Blog Action Day: Bloggers Unite for the Environment. On October 15th, many of your favorite blogs will go green. We’re talking about sites which aren’t usually focused on environmental issues, including many of our faves here at Lighter Footstep: Lifehacker, Copyblogger, Web Worker Daily, ChrisG, Problogger, ZenHabits, and GigaOM. It’s all part of Blog Action Day, an event organized by a trio of power bloggers which aims to unite thousands of sites for a day of articles and fundraising on behalf of the environment. – Chris Baskind, Lighter Footstep

Will Farrell gets first BMW Hydrogen 7. BMW has built the first of their Hydrogen 7 cars for public use, and handed the first set of keys over to US funny-man, Will Ferrell. 25 of the first 100 cars will be handed out to celebrities in order to promote their hydrogen cars in a predictable PR stunt that we just walked straight into. Another 25 will be used for evaluation purposes and testing. – Matthew Sparkes, Treehugger

Leo DiCaprio Takes Up Where Al Gore Left off. Leonardo DiCaprio and his filmmaking partners, Nadia Connors and Leila Connors Peterson, have done us a great favor. They have assembled an incredible array of passion and brainpower in their stirring documentary, The 11th Hour, to teach us just about every thing we need to know about the fate of planet Earth — how bad things are, and what we can do to reverse the effects of humanity’s rapid devastation of this planet. – Don Hazen, AlterNet