On 8 August the  Prime Minister hosted ‘God’s Elect Vessel’ Bruce Hales, and several other leaders of the Exclusive Brethren. But what are the leaders of the Exclusive Brethren doing even meeting Mr Howard if their strict rules prevent them from associating with outsiders, including Christians? Maybe there’s always wiggle room with Mr Howard.

The PM’s office was tight-lipped about the meeting. A Brethren spokesperson described the meeting as “last minute. There was no agenda or pre-arranged discussion topics.” But if so, how many meetings does PM Howard attend without an agenda? Is it wise, in an election year, for a Prime Minister to meet with a group under scrutiny for electoral impropriety? I contacted the PM’s Office for an elaboration but no response was received by deadline.

Last Election, Exclusive Brethren member Mark Mackenzie allegedly directed $270,000 to pro-Howard advertising through his company Willmac, despite the fact members are prevented from standing for or voting in elections, or watching and reading the media in which they advertised. The AEC investigated the donations and referred the matter to the Federal Police for criminal investigations.

The address of an Exclusive Brethren private school was used in print commercials in Bennelong. Brethren Private schools receive millions of dollars of federal funding each year. But so do the schools administered by mainline churches. Some of these churches also engage in political activities from time to time, including meeting politicians to discuss important social issues. The main difference is that when churches have voiced their opposition to a range of social issues, from industrial relations to the Iraq war, the Coalition tells them to butt out.

Prime Minister Howard recently concluded his speech to a Christian audience with an exhortation to the “silent toiling members of of Christian churches… (for) looking after their fellow Australians and providing them with comfort and care when they need it.”

Presumably this includes those ‘good Samaritans’ who extend a helping hand, (full of dollars) to an increasingly desperate Prime Minister.