A headline on one of last week’s highly intellectual ‘most viewed stories’ on theage.com.au and smh.com.au websites including the words ‘dwarf’, ‘vacuum’ and ‘p-nis’ inspired this week’s week in words experiment.

We’ve taken the ‘most viewed’ stories from The Age and The SMH websites from the last week and crunched them into this tag cloud. Note that killers rate highly, as does the moon. Ditto Aussies and iphones. But sad to say it’s a bit short on dwarves…

And for your calculation pleasure, here’s the week in numbers:

488: number of horses in NSW infected by equine influenza.

489: the number infected half an hour later.

12: the number of APEC members in 1989.

21: the number of ”member economies” attending APEC Sydney.

400: number of international business leaders at APEC

30: number of hotels booked out for APEC

1: number of US presidents

57%: number of Australians who believed Australia should not continue to be involved militarily in Iraq.

5628: number of people executed in all countries in the past year.

5000: number executed in China.

$59.2 billion: Australia’s current account deficit.