How much money do you have, notes that is?
Well, according to the Reserve Bank, there were 43 bank notes for every Australian with an average value of around $1,900 at June 30. Around half of that would be in $50 bills, which are rapidly becoming the new $20 note, thanks to their increasing use in Automatic Teller Machines.
I don’t know about you but if that’s the case, my wallet is below par on most days. I’ve counted and at the moment I can only muster three notes, 40 short of the average number and over $1,800 short of the average. Drat!
But then much of the money is in ATMs, cash registers, bank vaults and under a few beds, no doubt.
The RBA’s 2007 annual report reveals that there were 902 million banknotes on issue at the end of June this year. They had a value of $40.3 billion, up from $38.1 billion at the end of June 2006.
“This is equivalent to 43 banknotes worth about $1,900 for every Australian,” the bank said.
The bank said that:
By both value and number, the high denomination banknotes comprised the majority of banknotes on issue. Specifically, the $50 banknote accounted for nearly half of the value of banknotes on issue and 43 per cent of the number of banknotes on issue, while the $100 banknote accounted for 42 per cent of the value and 19 per cent of the number of banknotes on issue.
The bank said that at June 2006 the $50 continues to account for the largest number of notes on issue as well as the largest value; in June 2006, it accounted for over 47% of the value of all notes on issue.
At June 30, 2007 there were $591 million of $5 notes, $898 million of $10 notes, $2.846 billion of $20 notes, $19.228 billion of $50s and $16.730 billion of $100s. The value rose 3.9% (which was a bit short of GDP growth in 2007 of a high 4.3%).
At June 30, 2006 there were $572 million worth of $5 notes, $857 million of $10 notes, $2.69 billion of $20 notes, a massive $18.04 billion worth of $50 notes and $15.90 billion of $100 notes and it was up 3.9%.
And “there were no purchases of new $100 notes, as has been the case for several years, as the Reserve Bank continues to run down the stock of $100 notes acquired as a contingency for Y2K”.
That was the same in 2007 with no $100 bills purchased because of the overhang of stocks from Y2K (Now wasn’t that a fab idea back then)
The Reserve Bank said it took delivery of 245 million new banknotes from its subsidiary, Note Printing Australia in 2006/07, up from 220 million the previous year. This consisted of 51 million $5 banknotes, 42 million $10 banknotes, 80 million $20 banknotes and 72 million $50 banknotes.
The bank said that the total value of the higher-denomination banknotes, namely the $50 and $100, has increased as a share of GDP at the expense of some lower denominations.
“This partly reflects changes in the denominations withdrawn from ATMs, with the $50 increasingly replacing the $20 in many machines. In the case of the $100, which is only beginning to be issued from ATMs, its relative growth since its inception in 1984 is attributable to its role as a store of wealth.”
Yes, well, that might be the case, but those $100 notes keep eluding me.
This makes me think of something that is quite simple but makes my head ache. The cash that is kept physically in the bank branches is kept to a minimum as to hold too much cash in the branch costs the bank money. I’m sure an 8 year old could explain it.