Move over cars, bike-space only:  While many cities still require a certain number of parking spaces in new developments, Washington D.C. is on the verge of mandating a different type of parking: parking space for bicycles. – Treehugger 

EU gives 50 million euros to help poor nations face climate change: The European Union said Tuesday it would give the world’s poorest nations at least €50 million (US$69 million) to help them cope with more frequent storms, floods and drought linked to man-made climate change. – IHT 

Typhoon Wipha hits China: Typhoon Wipha slammed into the Chinese coast less than 60 miles south of Wenzhou about three hours ago and remains a Category 3 hurricane has it travels north at about 12 mph. – The Daily Green 

Florida’s first ‘green’ mansion: orida developer Frank McKinney, who is renowned for building multi-million-dollar mega-mansions, is bust constructing a $29 million green home dubbed ‘620 South Ocean’ that will be the first of its size to be certified green by the U.S. Green Building Council and the Florida Green Building Council. –

Facebook lets you go green: If like most internet users (or, indeed, planet dwellers) you’re now resident on Facebook, you’ll probably be getting pretty tired of being turned into a zombie, fending off stalkers and poking your friends. So why not use this almighty resource as a force for good? – HippysHopper