I might be cynical … a little maybe … but yesterday evening I opened up Microsoft Outlook to check my email account.

4.32pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Ongoing funding recognises central role of National Museum

5.29pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Promoting Australia as an international film production location

5.47pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Funding upgrade for Australia’s major orchestras

6.17pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Funding secured for the Gallery of Australian Democracy

6.35pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Ongoing funding to support the publication of educational books

6.55pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Appointment to the National Gallery of Australia Council

7.04pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: New screen agency will build Australia’s film industry

7.09pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Ongoing funding for communities to preserve their heritage

7.53pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Ongoing support for tours of major cultural exhibitions

7.59pm – Media Release – From Senator Brandis, Arts Minister
Subject: Increased funding to flow to Australia’s opera and ballet orchestras

To give some context, 10 Arts Ministry releases within three and a half hours is no small thing. There could be a number of reasons for such an unusual influx of media releases. The ministry has had a backlog and finally received approval for a whole lot at once …

Or, and this might be closer to the truth. Word’s out within the corridors of power and the order has been given to get rid of any left over affairs.