Sudanese Australians have been in the news.

  • “I have been concerned that some groups don’t seem to be settling and adjusting into the Australian way of life as quickly as we would hope and therefore it makes sense to put the extra money in to provide extra resources, but also to slow down the rate of intake from countries such as Sudan.” — Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews, speaking on the death of Liep Gony
  • A Sudanese man, Hakeem Hakeem, out of his mind on drugs and inhaled paint fumes, bashed and raped a 63-year-old woman and terrorised a 16-year-old couple. Local police told of regularly stopping Sudanese drink-drivers who refused to take Australian law seriously because it treated them with decency rather than the brutality they expected. Now, it is worse. Last week, a young Sudanese man, Liep Gony, was bashed to death in Noble Park and police fear reprisals. — Herald Sun
  • Two men from Noble Park have been arrested in Adelaide and charged with the murder of Liep Gony, the Sudanese teenager bashed near that suburb’s train station last week and left for dead. — The Age
  • Two men, aged 19 and 21, have been charged with Mr Gony’s murder after the teenager was found bashed and unconscious on a median strip in Noble Park in Melbourne’s southeast last month. He later died in hospital. — Herald Sun

And on it goes.

A strange omission in coverage that is otherwise so ethnographically precise, is that nowhere in the telling of the sad death of Liep Gony and the alleged gang violence that caused it, is it mentioned that the two men accused of the murder are white.