Tax, a three letter word, would have been met with four letter responses at ALP headquarters yesterday.

Wayne Swan was left to give the only response he could give; he will read the fine print and get back to us.

Incidentally, spare a thought for Swan. While Kevin Rudd tries to look good in hospitals and schools around the nation, managing the image of the day, Swan is left to do the hard yards. “Wayne, the bastards have released the mother of all tax cuts. Go and do a presser with Gallery. I have to kiss an 80 year old suffering from dementia. I’ve told her John Howard is to blame and we will fix it,” says St Kevin.

Swan soldiers on in the name of his Party and did a fair job in front of a gallery, which was also working out from the tax cuts “what’s in it for me?” That’s what we were all doing weren’t we?

Days one and two have gone with the coalition. No doubt. Go for Growth is their mantra and if there is no turnaround in their polls after these nice little numbers, they will be justified to go for the valium.

While tax cuts will form part of the foundation for reelection, and all media lapped up the story on Monday and yesterday, they can only be part of the story.

Rudd has a mortgage on sensitivity at present, despite the PM’s reconciliation announcement last week.

He is visiting hospitals more often than the bathroom.

If the balance changes a bit on the issue of care, the coalition is still a chance to hold office.