The warm up is nearly over. With the Melbourne Cup out of the way perhaps public interest in the election race will begin.

The Coalition wanted the campaign to be about the economy and the announcement by the Reserve Bank tomorrow morning should jump start interest in just that.

Not that there has been much so far. Today’s top five lists were again dominated by anything but politics.

Sydney Morning Herald

  1. Death of baby Gloria sparks hunt for truth
  2. Aussie maths whiz supercharges net
  3. Stars bigger and bigger, as fat is the new black
  4. Cave-in: small bars triumph
  5.  Hollywood writers go on strike over new-media pay

The Age

  1. Crunch day for Libs on interest rates
  2. Weekend torrents fill Melbourne’s dams to a year high
  3. Crash is coming, warns top investor
  4. Aussie maths whiz supercharges net
  5. Perfect storm brews in marginals

The Australian

  1. PM’s bid to make rates a positive
  2. Coalition’s seat-by-seat campaign
  3. Army may not fall in behind…
  4. Newsreader found dead
  5. Legal bid to block Rivkin records


  • Turnbull told me he hates pulp mill: Cundall
  • Another journo backs Price on Garrett’s backflips
  • Rate rise now a ‘fait accompli’
  • Woman denies having sex with female student
  • Teacher ‘made appalling error’ starting relationship

The West Australian

  1. Teacher had sex with student in toilet
  2. Akermanis drug shock
  3. Baby dies in fall from West Perth unit
  4. Journalist believes former boyfriend may be a serial killer
  5. Colleagues mourn for Charmaine Dragun

Sydney Telegraph

  1. Rooster’s feathers ruffled
  2. Dragun’s family, friends ask why
  3. The Right Brain vs Left Brain
  4. Truth of the Hawko-Gale tale
  5. Joey’s not perfect, but who is?

Melbourne Herald Sun

  1. Right Brain v Left Brain
  2. Daniel’s smitten
  3. Man dies in wild storms
  4. Heaviest rain in 20 months
  5. Don’t worry, be naughty


  1. Dramatic arrest after chase
  2. Newsreader’s tragic message
  3. $1.56bn for SA roads
  4. ‘My baby girls are dead’
  5. Wedding gremlins kept at bay

Courier Mail

  1. Man’s ears lopped off in attack
  2. Howard campaign has stalled
  3. Corpse punched during funeral
  4. Arrested inside prison
  5. Taskforce dithers on traffic

  1. Man’s ears severed in swimming…
  2. Swimmer’s ears lopped off in…
  3. Meat Loaf quits like bat out of…
  4. Le Bon: the drugs killed Hutchence
  5. ‘It’s hard to spy on Muslims’