Is Malcolm Turnbull’s announcement at a Sydney Gay and L-sbian Business Association dinner on Wednesday night that the Coalition will fix outstanding Commonwealth superannuation schemes to include same-s-x couples if re-elected on 24 November supported by his party?

Long term gay rights campaigner Rodney Croome described it on his blog yesterday as “a recycled, unkept promise (first made in 2004),” although he added “it’s a step up from the position the Coalition was in until yesterday, with no commitment to any positive changes if it wins government”.

But how much of a step up is it, actually? There’s nothing up in the Coalition’s policy list on the topic.

In fact, have a look at the graphic on their policy page on their website. Poor old Malcolm T is stuck down the end of the table, with the PM looking the other way.

And a Liberal campaign HQ source told Crikey today: “Malcolm’s view may not be the party’s view”.