Twelve days out from election day and what a campaign so far:  the worm controversy, the rise and rise of MeTooism, pork barrelling by the truckload, the PM’s morning walk turns into a daily stalk, Tony “I laugh in the face of your political correctness” Abbott, Family First’s first p-rn candidate, things you can learn in the Qantas Chairman’s lounge … and so much more.

Don’t lose the detail of this memorable (if interminable) campaign in the tired and emotional haze of Election Night 2007. Make a note of your favorite hustings moments now … and send them to us!

Crikey today announces its inaugural No Party Preferred Election Awards. We’ll be the judge, but you need to provide the nominations. 

The categories are (envelopes please):

  1. The Evolution-Of-Dance Award for most excruciating YouTube campaign moment.
  2. The Pork-Me Plate for the most gratuitous spending pledge.
  3. The Latham Handshake Clasp for biggest campaign cock-up.
  4. The Dennis Shanahan Medal for the most courageous spinning of a bad news moment.
  5. The Suspend-Your-Cynicism Cup for the most inspiring campaign moment.

We want your suggestions. Simply tell us your candidate, the moment and why you’re nominating them. The best suggestion for each category will win a whole bunch of Crikey goodies, including socks and DVDs. Vote as many times as you want, for one or all categories.

Send your entries to, with Crikey Election Awards in the subject field, by 5pm, Thursday 22 November. All the winners will be announced in our midday edition on Friday 23 November.