C-cks’ c-ck-up. Labor candidate for La Trobe, Rodney C-cks, has sent out an apparently personally penned pamphlet that claims, “as a father with a mortgage I understand the pain of interest rate rises.” One problem though – it has been revealed that C-cks doesn’t have any kids.

If there’s one thing that’s important when you’re running in the seat of Wentworth, it’s to be seen as a friend of Dorothy.

Rudd to the rescue. Whether it was Victoria’s soaring temperatures or Kevin07’s rock star youth appeal, a teenage girl swooned as the Opposition leader delivered a press conference at a Melbourne high school yesterday. Watch Rudd’s gallant reaction by clicking the image below.

  Stifler’s Mum? An impressed tipster sent in this photo of a defaced campaign sign for the Liberal candidate for Adelaide, Tracy Marsh. The likeness is striking.


Mind your language. After last week’s dry foreign affairs debate, we know that Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer can speak French. But can his Labor counterpart, Robert McClelland, speak Mandarin? Click the image below to find out.

How far will our pollies go for the Chinese vote? Coming soon to stores right through Bennelong…