Brown makes climate change pledge: Prime Minister Gordon Brown has stated his determination to make Britain a world leader in the new “technological revolution” required to beat global warming. While climate change presents an immense challenge to the world, it is also a huge opportunity which could lead to the creation of thousands of new businesses, hundreds of thousands of jobs and a vast new export market for the UK within the next two decades, said the Prime Minister. Speaking ahead of December’s international climate change summit in Bali, Mr Brown published a statement setting out Britain’s vision of a new global low-carbon economy to hold the rise in average temperatures to two degrees Celsius or less. Guardian

86% of sea turtle species threatened with extinction: Marine turtles have thrived for more than 100 million years. But only the last few hundred years have given the huge, spectacular, prehistoric reptiles serious trouble. And that’s where people like Earl Possardt, an international sea turtle specialist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, come in. Possardt is part of a bigger effort to rescue what remains of seven species of an animal that has managed, sometimes against formidable odds, to make it all the way into the 21st century. Monga Bay

Green computing: The field of “green technology ” encompasses a broad range of subjects — from new energy-generation techniques to the study of advanced materials to be used in our daily life. Green technology focuses on reducing the environmental impact of industrial processes and innovative technologies caused by the Earth’s growing population. It has taken upon itself the goal to provide society’s needs in ways that do not damage or deplete natural resources. Mainly this means creating fully recyclable products, reducing pollution, proposing alternative technologies in various fields, and creating a center of economic activity around technologies that benefit the environment. The future of things

War has historic links to global climate change: Climate change and conflict have gone hand-in-hand for the past 500 years, a study reveals. It is the first time that a clear link between war and changing global temperatures has been identified in historical data, according to the researchers involved. The results are also significant because some experts predict that current and future climate change may result in widespread global unrest and conflict. New Scientist

Noah’s Ark flood spurred European farming: An ancient flood some say could be the origin of the story of Noah’s Ark may have helped the spread of agriculture in Europe 8,300 years ago by scattering the continent’s earliest farmers, researchers said on Sunday. Using radiocarbon dating and archaeological evidence, a British team showed the collapse of the North American ice sheet, which raised global sea levels by as much as 1.4 meters, displaced tens of thousands of people in southeastern Europe who carried farming skills to their new homes. Washington Post