In the first edition today, Crikey bought you the results of Morgan polling taken in vital marginal seats in WA. Now, we’ve got another – the Miss Maud Coffee Bean Poll.

The Miss Maud poll has been an institution in the West since it was first run in 1996 and the pundits are predicting a pivotal role for WA in this year’s election.

Over the weekend more than 5000 people let their caffeine do the talking by dropping a coffee bean in a beaker at one of 16 polling booths set up in Miss Maud’s coffee houses and restaurants across the Perth metropolitan area.

Since the 2007 poll was launched just over two weeks ago nearly 30,000 people – an almighty sample – have voted to produce these current figures:

Labor: 36.3%

Liberal: 41.9%

Greens: 10.6%

National: 2.6%

Democrats: 3.3%

Others: 5.4%

“There is no poll like the Miss Maud Coffee Bean Poll, yielding accurate predictions for the past five federal and state elections,” Miss Maud said.

Miss Maud told Crikey that coffee houses have traditionally provided a relaxing forum to discuss the issues of the day. “In its early days Lloyds of London dispensed coffee and stimulated the business world,” she said.

The final results will be released on Friday when the bean counters – official auditors – tally up the votes. Before an announcement is made, the Anglican Dean of Perth, the Very Revd Dr John Shepherd, will bless the beans and thank the people who have contributed to the community debate.