I don’t see what everyone’s getting so upset about. For the past eight thousand weeks all we’ve heard are whiny complaints regarding the negative angles political opponents have been resorting to on the campaign trail. Too much slating, too much bad-vibery, not enough accentuating the positives and sunshiney warmth.

Then when some kind-hearted Liberals decide to let the free love flow down the election freeway all hell breaks loose. Sure, they might have been pretending to be prominent members of a fake Islamic movement and lying through their teeth about all the back-patting and support they’d apparently received from the ALP, but who hasn’t done the same thing after a few rum and cokes?

It’s in the spirit of skylarking, and in no way should it be seen as some kind of mean-hearted, vaguely appalling attempt to lasso simmering racism in the western Sydney electorate of Lindsay, nor an enormously childish “why don’t you just marry the muslims if you love them so much”-type prodding on behalf of Gary Clark. Piffle.

MP Jackie Kelly’s husband was simply getting in on the pop culture vibes of the young folk and pulling a “Chaser-style prank” according to the missus, who quite obviously gets the gag and has been roaming the streets simply bubbling over with mirth.

What could be more richly comedic than distributing a pamphlet which evokes memories of mass killings with the artfully amusing “We gratefully acknowledge Labor’s support to forgive our Muslim brothers who have been unjustly sentenced to death for the Bali bombings”? It’s not only tasteful, it’s funny, people. Stop with all the shrieking and enjoy the belly laughs while they’re here.

Here’s Kelly on Today today. (Karl looks unconvinced):

In other news, Andrew Robb condemned those involved and assured voters there’s no truth to the rumour that he held a private and suitably wild party to celebrate the heat being turned off his moronic Googlegate 2007 incident for all of five minutes.