Catch The Fire Ministry’s Pastor Danny Nalliah claimed pre-election to have received divine advice that John Howard would be returned as Prime Minister. This turned out to be a false prophecy. Pastor Nalliah explains, in this extract from his blog, that the fight is not abandoned.
I do not know how long it will take for the Church in Australia to see God’s prophetic promises fulfilled for this Great South Land, but we must persist in united prayer and corporate repentance, rising up and fighting in the Spirit, as we continue to boldly proclaim the will and Word of God.
Over the past few days I have received many telephone calls from many Pastors and Believers in Christ from across the country. They told me, “Pastor Danny, you have warned the people of God (Body of Christ) very clearly of the dangers we will face as the Church in Australia. You have done your part.” (Read Ezekiel 3) I feel that a weight has lifted off my shoulders as I have obeyed what the Lord instructed me to do regarding the Election 2007.
The level of disunity in the Body of Christ was very clear to me closing in on election day. I received emails and messages from many professing Christians who were voting for Labor and the Greens. I just could not understand how they could do that, as their vote could be a vote to change existing laws to give greater rights to same s-x couples, legalise Abortion on demand (up to birth), introduce Federal Vilification Laws (eliminating freedom of speech), stop Prayer in Parliament, force Christian schools to employ homos-xual teachers under Anti-Discrimination Laws, and the list goes on and on.
Just for your information, the Labor Government refused to preference the Family First Party, and did all its preferences with the Greens. Now both Labor and the Greens are in bed together. DID YOU VOTE THEM IN????
I hope and pray that we will not take our nation back to Egypt.
At this point I want to caution you, prayerfully watch out for Christian Leaders who support unscriptural, ungodly, and evil legislations as mentioned above, by stating, “We cannot stop them so let’s counter propose by giving them 20-30% of what they ask, giving it a different category or name.” (Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5)
Then these so called Christian Leaders will gloat, “Oh we got a win.” No, you did not! You just willingly approved a part of what is evil in the site of an Almighty, Righteous and Holy God. The ‘USER and SEEKER FRIENDLY’ church will continue to tell people what they like to hear rather than what they need to hear.
It’s not about how much prosperity and success we experience on earth by compromising the WORD of God. It is about standing your ground for the Righteousness, Justice and Truth of the WORD of God. Just because 100 Bishops come together to legalise Homos-xual Priests, does not change or alter the WORD of God. His WORD stands forever and ever. (Read Hebrews 4:12-13)
I urge all Bible-believing Christians to watch out and unceasingly pray against the enemy’s strategies, for in the days ahead there will be many wolves in sheep’s clothing, deceiving many in the church. They are from within the church and could even be some very prominent Christian Leaders. (Read 2 Peter Ch. 2)
I do not look for my reputation amongst man, but from Almighty God, and will continue to prayerfully seek our Heavenly Father’s perfect will for our nation of Australia.
Pastor Margaret Court, still riding the crest of a long dead sporting career, into the minds of gullible Sports worshipping Aussies, praises Nalliah for his bigoted stance Her bizarre Word of Faith battle cry is here: Disgusting
the test of a true prophet in the old testament is 100% accuracy. Blaming others or circumstances does not qualify as an acceptable excuse. The punishment for failing the test i.e. being a false prophet is death by stoning. Anyone?
What a complete moron
What a load of drivel! Are there people who actually believe this rubbish? And as usual, continuing the obsession with what people are doing in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
Yes Danny, I helped vote them in – what are you going to do about it???
Hard to believe that educated, intellegent people in our nation of Australia would listen to this drivel. Just shows the problems we face with religious fanatics of any persuasion.