OK. Your turn.

2007 is racing to a close, and what a year it’s been. So many highlights, so many people making their mark. Who, for example, can forget the moment when Thingummy, did the business, you know, with Whatshisname, in the aeroplane?

Not to mention John Howard. Or Kevin … Kevin … Kevin Rodd … no. Ridd? Red? Whatever. Kevin, a man so popular they named a year after him.

And so on. 2007. 12 months, 365 days, many more highlights. Where to begin?

Well, this is where you can help, by nominating contenders for one of four fabulous Crikey People’s Choice Awards to be announced from next Thursday, just before Crikey vanishes for its end of season canoing trip to Lake Eildon. Hooray. 

So, nominations please in the following categories:

2007’s 20 Most Appalling People

2007’s 20 Most Appealing People

2007’s Sexiest Male and Female Politician

And the big one:

Crikey’s Man and Woman of the Year 2007

Vote as often as you like, but do it by the end of this week. Send names – and a short citation if you wish – to boss@crikey.com.au. Put People’s Choice in the subject field please, or we’ll just delete you with all of Christian Kerr’s viagra spam.