So far, the new Rudd government has ratified Kyoto, begun abolishing WorkChoices, promised an apology to Indigenous Australia, and wagged their finger at the banks. Oh, and Peter Garrett will do away with plastic bags.
Nice start. Now for the rest.
Rudd returns from holidays on Monday, and despite a productive start to his first term in government, the In tray on his desk is overflowing. On the To Do list (high priority):
Cut $10 billion off expenditure without offending anyone;
- Fix the water problem, an issue which has been left somewhat hanging;
- Overhaul the education system, and the former Prime Minister’s plans for the history syllabus.
- Deal with the new HREOC report on detention centres (out today) saying that while improved, they’re still highly problematic;
- Persuade Kim Carr that nationalising BHP isn’t part of the “Innovation” portfolio;
- Work out what to keep and what to ditch of the Northern Territory intervention;
- Don’t panic.
The water problem can only really be fixed by rain, and it has rained and rained and rained.
Cutting $10 billion must offend some, but who cares if it is right?
Legislation will take care of necessary changes. Gawd Crikey shows it liberal colors.