How come you are not all over this story? Rural Press (FFX) are sending IT staff, journos, and the like from all over the state to cover these sites. They are willing to spend thousands to get staff to these sites and get the papers out. I know one guy who will be paid over $1,000 bonus to be in Tamworth for a few days! Along with accommodation and travel expenses, the cost for one guy alone will be over $4,000! How do they justify this?

An email from the “club drug project” was recently sent out to people having previously done a survey on party drugs in clubs about 12 months ago, inquiring as to whether these previous participants wanted to take part in this year’s survey. The idea isn’t a bad one – get real info on drugs from the people taking them and being exposed to them. All anonymously, too. The bad news though? The email addresses weren’t sent blind, and were instead visible to every other person who got the email. Not so bad for the people with nondescript email address, but not so great for those who used their work addresses. They did realise their mistake and try to recall the email, but arguably, the damage was already done.

There are lots of old amunitions dumped at Point Nepean at the entrance to Victoria’s Port Phillip Bay (which is about to be severely assaulted by a bloody big dredger) and lots in the Bay near the heads. But no-one will own up to it ‘cos it’s all a bit embarassing is it not?

Advertisers on Australian job boards Seek, Careerone and MyCareer are receiving dodgy emails similar to those purporting to come from banks (Urgent security notice – please log on using your username and password NOW). MyCareer issued a warning to advertisers today. While villains might find deep profits on harvesting online banking passwords, it’s difficult to see what they might do with access to job boards. If any advertisers have fallen for the scam, we might be about to see some dodgy or hacked job ads.