
Vote anyone?: It was shocking to read some of Musharraf’s comments in his interview with Jemima today. He openly admits than he’s let loose some “people of main parties” in order to work with them and keep his stay in power certain. He’s basically made a deal with the most corrupt leaders around in order to hang on to his seat and now he bemoans there’s not much he can do. How convenient for you Mushy! Letting the country go down the drain while you continue to enjoy the luxuries of the palatial President House, to me you’re no different than the people who looted this country before you. – Waking Life

39 killed in massive suicide attack in Pakistan: The elections scheduled for Monday will take place under a cloud of suspicion after Human Rights Watch released an audiotape last week that they claim catches the countries Attorney General reassuring an unknown party on the other end of the line that massive vote rigging would assure that the elections went Musharraf’s way. – Blue Girl, Red State

Pre-election violence in Pakistan: With parliamentary elections now only two days away, the picture in Pakistan still looks bleak … Today, the last day of general campaigning, has been marred by several suicide attacks, including a large one on supporters of Bhutto’s PPP. Rumors of vote-rigging are flying. And neighboring countries like India and Afghanistan, as well as Britain and the US, are deeply concerned about the outcome. With violence, bitterness, and division mounting, it appears more likely that we’ll need to brace ourselves for the worst come next week. – The Seminal


I wish Kosovo the best: They’ve declared their independence. While Russia and Serbia are unhappy, the breakup of many of the traditionally autonomous regions from the past couple centuries of conquest throughout Europe and Asia is a good thing. Like our system of states is supposed to, small, independent and democratic governments able to able to work together is not only a system that lets as many people be happy as possible, but is a system that is much more efficient. – Tai-Chi Policy

Failure: A true cause for celebration in Kosovo would involve Serbs acknowledging the reality of Albanian dominance in the province, and Albanians acknowledging the preciousness of Kosovo to the Serbs — and reaching a compromise based upon autonomy and respect rather than secession and pain. In the Balkans — and around the world, really — you either live together, or you kill one another. In Kosovo, the United States has come down firmly, if unwittingly, in favor of the latter. – Orthovox: Joshua Trevino

And so what Slobodan Milosevic wrought comes full circle: Kosovo has declared its independence from Serbia and if ever a people have justification for not trusting the political institutions of another, it is the Kosovars. Perhaps this will, as some fear and other hope, start a wave of reasonable and logical separations … starting with Taiwan maybe? –

Happy Independence Day: I lived and worked in Kosovo a couple of years prior to the war. During my stay with an Albanian family in Pristina, I made many friends and listened to the stories of everyday people who had suffered at the hands of the repressive Serbian regime. Though at the time I was there some 90% of the population was Albanian, it was the less-than-10% Serb population who ruled and enjoy the benefits that accrued to a people who regard Kosovo as the cradle of Serb culture. How many other countries do you know that revere the memory of a crushing, humiliating defeat as a high point of their history? The Battle of Kosovo Polje in 1389 was a thorough and complete defeat of the Serbian army, and yet Kosovo Polje is seen as the crowning achievement of Serbian history. Go figure. – The Agonist