Eliot Spitzer paid $US4,300 for the company of The Emperors Club’s “Kristen”, the high-class prostitute whose two hours with the former New York Governor ended his career. So what kind of service can you get that for that money in Australia?
“Catering to the most financially elite social circles in the entire world,” the Emperors Club’s welcome page begins, “Emperors Club is the elite recreation venue and private club for those accustomed to excellence…We act for a select group of educated, refined and successful international clients,” the site explains.
“92 percent of Emperors’ Club International Members are CEO/Owner/Partners of a large (often international) corporation.”
The unusual thing about Spitzer is that he got caught. High flyers with a taste for high class prost-tutes are not uncommon. So which clubs do Australia’s s-xed up CEOs frequent?
High end outfits such as Miss Fleiss offer discreet services for high profile high rollers just like the Governor.
Then there’s Mona Lisa models. According to Mona Lisa’s website, all of their models are “fit with very beautiful faces — very discreet introductions.”
And like the Emperors Club, they have very high standards — “we do not work with models with tattoos or scars of any kind…” Nor will the models “possess haughty or indifferent attitudes.” And unlike Julia Roberts, their models kiss — and “create beautiful memories.”
For a small fee, you can whisk away one of these luxury models for weekends sojourns, luxury cruise trips, or, if so required, s-x lessons. There are also packages available like the Geisha Fantasy, French Fantasy, Food S-x, 7 Deadly Sins or, ahem, Charlie’s Angels Fantasy. We’re not sure what “The Spoiler/Bedazzled Packs” even means. And according to the website, “full service can involve: dinner or a social event, charming, educated conversation, flirtation and anticipation building, setting the mood. Exotic music, candlelight, passionate kissing, genuine affection, and a real connection with a woman who loves what she is doing, and is just as excited as you are.” Full service also involves other things that we will decline to mention here. And the cost? Check out the mind boggling price list. Clients can purchase two hours with a luxury model for $1,900. (The enticingly dubbed “entry level models” are cheaper at $600 an hour). Or go for a month with an ultimate model for $72,000. But for the more discerning customer, $10,000 can buy you two hours with an Ultimate model — or a year for just $1,000,000. Yes, one million dollars.
So just who’s willing to pay millions of dollars for the privilege of a high class prostitute? “Obviously the high roller end of the market is not for your local plumber or garbo looking for a quickie,” Chris Seage, lobbyist for the NSW legal brothel industry, told Crikey. “Usually the service includes dinner at an exclusive restaurant, the best champagne to set the mood and ultimately the happy ending, and only industry barons, CEOs, and wealthy businessmen can afford this end of town.” “One since deceased industry baron used to entertain his Australian and overseas clients by booking the very best courtesans. In his usual manner he insisted to the management, I don’t want any ‘pirate’s dreams’ (girls with sunken chests),” says Seage. “And one of Australia’s richest men has demanded ‘no more grannies’ in the past.” Apparently in reference to women over the age of 30. And according to Seage, our local Members of Parliament prefer the “local bordello instead of being spotted at lunch with a young glamorous woman.” As for the “Kristens” of Australia — they “usually earn 60% of the fee,” says Seage. “Some can negotiate higher to 70 or 80%, reflecting their independence…The typical courtesan is young, glamorous and intelligent. Many have university education and must be able to hold a conversation with high brow clientele.”
“Industry barons, CEOs, the wealthy end of town” – the sort who usually have their houses and assets in the wife’s name. So how philandering do you have to be before she takes the Certificate of Title at face value?
John James making an underhanded comment about abortion when there is absolutely no need? Who would of thought.
I must say though, a million dollars for a prozzie seems a bit much, and I don’t know how many “high-rollers” would care if their courtesan was able to hold a conversation over the merits of Volatire’s Candide.
Surely the real story here is that 3 months costs $250K but 6 months will cost you $520K? What do you get for the extra 20 grand?
What a ZINGER John! Where’s your adept segue to abortion and the danger inherent in Labor governments?
Loveless sex, bit like tasteless ice cream!