I recently received an unsolicited mailing from the Australian Conservation Foundation. I am not a member of the organisation. It contained a 4-page A4 brochure headed “Climate Change Action Survey”.
As a market researcher, I’m always keen to do any kind of survey … provided it is legitimate research (see my Crikey piece on “sugging” — selling under the guise of research). The brochure had a little yellow sticky note attached with a “personal” message from ACF boss Don Henry: “It is particularly important to me that you complete this survey today”. How could I refuse?
Unfortunately I got only as far as Question 2 before I started to ask my own questions about ACF’s underlying motives and whether this was worthy of the title “survey”. It asked: “When did you first become aware that climate change was a serious issue? (Please tick one box only)” and offered three timeframes — “In the past 12 months”, “In the last 2-5 years” and “I’ve known for more than 5 years”.
Hang on, what if I didn’t believe that climate change was a serious issue? (In fact I do, but that’s not the point here.) Which box should I tick then? Obviously, if I didn’t agree with the premise of the question then ACF wasn’t interested in my opinion.
By Question 3, I was seeing red, not green. It asked: “Which of the following statements best describes how you feel about climate change? (Please tick one box only)”. The alternatives were:
The issue is overwhelming and I feel helpless
I am frustrated that not enough is being done
I am hopeful that if we take action now, we can stop it
I am tired of hearing about it and want to see some action taken.
This is a reprehensible kind of question in any survey as it deliberately backs people into a corner. What if I am concerned about climate change but pleased that we ratified Kyoto and confident that Peter Garrett and Penny Wong will work things out? What if I am concerned that stunts like Earth Hour are distracting consumer and media attention away from more serious issues and more meaningful interventions? Again, if these were my views then ACF didn’t want to hear about them, at least not in this “survey”.
The next five questions were what we researchers call “loaded”: in each of them, the word “dangerous” had been added to “climate change” so that I was asked each time what I was doing or what action I would be willing to take “to help stop dangerous climate change”.
But by Question 9, the survey went from leading and loaded to just plain loopy. It asked: “What do you think is the best way for the government to stop dangerous climate change?” Firstly, this question contains a built-in and naïve presumption that “the government” — acting alone — has the power to “stop dangerous climate change”. But some of the alternatives (of which I was asked to choose up to three) were truly ridiculous:
“Pass a national law to cut greenhouse gas emissions” — Was the ACF suggesting that, like the Ministry of Magic, “the government” could simply wave a wand, pass a law and emissions would be cut? Survey respondents might well support tighter regulation of emissions but that’s not what the question asked.
“Set energy efficiency standards” — Huh? Standards for what? Household appliances? Vehicles? Industry? Agriculture? Which government? And how would energy efficiency standards stop dangerous climate change?
“Reject the dangerous nuclear industry” — There’s that word “dangerous” again but this time it’s the answer that’s loaded.
Question 14 of the “survey” asked whether I had made a will and whether I had included or intended to include a bequest to ACF. Over the page was a section where I could use a credit card to make a donation or even set up a regular direct debit in favour of ACF.
OK, so it was ham-fisted and laughable, but this “survey” also raised serious concerns about confidentiality and privacy. In three places, I was assured that “no individual responses will be disclosed” and “individual responses will not be revealed”.
“Disclosed” or “revealed” to whom? Legitimate market research organisations take great pains to ensure that consumers’ individual responses are not revealed to the organisation that commissioned the survey. This is so participants will give freely of their opinions secure in the knowledge that personal information will not then be used for selling or to build databases.
In this case, however, the ACF is the client and the questionnaire form arrived pre-printed with my name and address details in a way that couldn’t be separated from my answers. Thus my opinions would be inextricably linked not only to my name and address but also to my banking details (if I decided to give a donation). That breaches every known market research privacy provision I can think of.
Just because they’re green and they want to save the planet doesn’t mean ACF can get away with crap like this. The concerns this appalling “survey” raises about ACF’s professionalism and credibility are one thing, but there are very serious trade practices issues here, too.
Clearly this is not legitimate research: it’s a combination of FRUGGING (fund raising under the guise of research) and what has long been called “push polling” in a political context. And when you add the potentially misleading claims about confidentiality, it’s ACF that should be answering the questions.
ACF responds with a few points regarding the survey:
The survey was not independent research and was not dressed up as such.
It was a survey, to a mix of ACF supporters and others. The aim was to involve our members and supporters and other people concerned about the environment to join with ACF to – as the survey stated – “demand action from our political leaders”. This includes writing to politicians, attending workshops and supporting ACF financially.
There was no intention to publish the results. As the covering letter said: “Our survey will provide you with an opportunity to record your personal views about dangerous climate change – what your concerns are about its effects and, most importantly of all, what you might be prepared to do to help stop it”.
ACF can squirm and wriggle over the exact intent of the ‘survey’ but this kind of dumb stunt can only weaken what little credibility it musters these days. The organisation’s brain trust is probably already wondering how it so easily shot itself in the foot.
Gawd, this article is a real whine isn’t it. And now I’m whining about it too. Bring out whinging Wendy eh? What wrong with consulting your supporters, and sorting the 1:9:90 with 1 and 9 being the very and somewhat activist/motivated and the other 90 being neutral and passive. That’s good information to gather. If you don’t agree with any statements then – God help us – write on it. Are you that sheepish? Is that the real problem of projecting your own submission to every other force in society, wage slave etc? Or how about this radical idea – leave it blank. So they put mind altering hypnotic control patterns on the envelope again eh? Those devilish clever greenies ngo global conspiracy again. At worst the survey is condescending, at best it shows some initiative. Wake up you pack of dufus. You won’t have a planet to nit pick on at this rate. And yes I have a science degree for God sake, and I trust my doctors within reason, and I think cynicism might just kill the lot of us/kids.
Ray, while the ACF may have done the wrong thing in this case that is of no relevance to the reality of global warming. It puzzles me why people want to see this as a left/right political issue. It is not, it is a matter of overwhelming scientific evidence which we are obligated to respond to appropriately.
If the ACF can so easily resort to these tactics I would be stupid to believe anything they say. That is why, David Sanderson. Not every reasonable specialist in this field would agree that the evidence is overwhelming. Moreover even the majority who do accept that it is real differ greatly in its extent and in the likely repercussions. That having been said I personally believe that the industrialised nations have, for at least 2 decades now, had their head in the sand. We should act and we should act now. That does not mean I would want to be associated with the ACF however.
Good work, Doctor D.
Keep the bastards honest.