The Canberra rumour mill has picked up a murmur that one WA Liberal could be in big trouble for some questionable use of campaign funds… funds which were not his to start with. Party officials are apparently trying to get the funds back before it becomes public. Given that one of his colleagues seems keen to push the story along that seems unlikely.

RE: Story on Capolingua. She is destroying the AMA and they just elected her for another term. On the other hand Mukesh Haikerwal was a wonderful representative. The AMA is a Drs Union and as such will agitate for what is best for their members. But there are ways to go about doing. The only position that really p-sses me off is the idea that we can meet health care needs by substituting with nurses. Their degree is three years. Doctors, depending on state, must do a minimum of 6 but generally 7 and a half years. Then they must specialise – minimum of 5. They then earn 25 dollars an hour for the first four years. Nurses get more and shift allowances etc. My husband decided at the age of 25 to become a Dr. He was a Nurse. To action this has cost us over one million dollars in HECS fees, lost wages etc. My point is that Nurses are not Doctors — if they want to be then make the same sacrifices and study medicine.

Did anyone else pick up this priceless exchange in the NSW upper house yesterday?

National MP Duncan Gay: I wish to make a personal explanation. Members of the House will recall that during a previous debate I indicated that councillor Bruce Miller, the very hardworking and well-respected President of the Local Government and Shires Association, was a member of the Labor Party. Councillor Miller has indicated to me that he is very disappointed to be named as a member of the Labor Party. Who can blame him, after what the Labor Party has done to local government? Although councillor Miller is from the opposite side of politics to me, he is someone I hold in the highest esteem.

Treasurer and acting Leader of the House Michael Costa: What’s on the other side to you?

Gay: You. Councillor Miller’s request is a proper one. If I inadvertently misled the House as to his membership of the Australian Labor Party, I am more than happy to correct it. He will be pleased, as would most people in NSW, that he is known as not being a member of the Labor Party.