For the pleasure of flying in economy class with the Pope, media outlets had to fork out $6,000 per journalist.
It’s not that long since Coles launched the “You’ll Love Coles” home brand. It seems that ‘you’ didn’t, and the brand will be scrapped and replaced with “Coles”.
I don’t think it’s front page material, but someone should find out who the genius was who handed the Pope a koala named “Darwin”! Surely that gaff was more by intelligent design than natural selection.
Are communists really Catholics deep down? The Daily Telegraph (page nine today) used a North Korean flag to mark the locations where Korean pilgrims are staying.
In this video, recorded at the recent Sydney Writers’ Festival, Tony Abbott confesses that ‘peak oil’ is not a term he’s familiar with. The question about peak oil is put to him during question time by audience members (twice) near the end of the session. In the context of recent coverage about all things oil, this is a startling admission, no?
The Pope wouldnt have a problem with a Koala named Darwin. The Vatican has long acknowledged the merits of his theory of evolution, and Darwin himself was no enemy of religious belief.