The steady pull of political gravity is finally bringing the Rudd Government back down to polling reality. Today’s Morgan poll, conducted last weekend, shows the Government’s primary support falling 2.5% and the Coalition’s surging — yes, surging — 5% to yield a 2PP outcome of 55-45% — the Opposition’s best position since the election.

The biggest loser from the poll appears to be the Greens — down 4% to 7.5%.

Has the Government’s Green Paper focussed voter minds on the real costs of taking this global warming stuff seriously? Given an emissions trading scheme proposal that struck a decidedly pro-industry position, the Greens have not benefitted from the purported community support for addressing climate change.

If the result forms part of a trend, any chance of the Government toughening up its scheme will vanish — along with the chances of the Coalition taking a responsible role on the issue.

Perhaps the Prime Minister shouldn’t have made so clear his disdain for negotiating with the Greens.