Beijing diverts water for the Games. Beijing is in chronic water shortage while organisers of the Olympics boast of renewable energy and water conservation technologies that are incorporated into the Olympic infrastructure. So how is it that it is able to install lush new green landscaping across the city in the weeks leading up to the games? It is diverting water from neighbouring Hebei and Shanxi, themselves already drought-ridden, agrarian provinces. — Green Leap Forward

Alaska seeks to reverse US polar bear decision. The state of Alaska has sued the US government, arguing that listing polar bears as a threatened species will hurt Alaskan oil and gas exploration, fisheries and tourism. — Reuters

Pandas: Evolution’s big fat (adorable) mistake? Panda bears don’t seem to care for sex or proper nutrition, raising questions about whether the fittest have really survived. — MSNBC

British GMO protests highlight global divide. British opposition to genetically modified crops is on the rise, prompting security concerns at research laboratories across the country while fuelling renewed debate between government leaders, the biotechnology industry and environmentalists. — World Changing