Japan to launch carbon footprint labelling scheme. Japan is to carry carbon footprint labels on food packaging and other products in an ambitious scheme to persuade companies and consumers to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. — The Guardian

IPCC ‘wrong’ on logging threat to climate. Pristine temperate forest stores three times more carbon than currently estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and 60% more than plantation forests, according to ANU research. — New Scientist

Offshore recycling better than landfill. Shipping newspaper and plastic bottles around the world to be recycled in China is far more beneficial to the environment than landfilling them in Britain and producing new items, according to a British government study. — Yale Environment 360

Google to support geothermal energy. Google’s philanthropic arm, Google.org, has announced it will try to help spur companies to reach underground to produce clean electricity. It is investing a total of $10 million in a geothermal energy company called AltaRock Energy and a drilling company called Potter Drilling, and it is funding research and mapping efforts and a policy agenda.Forbes