Boy, there are some real wackos out there, right? And this election, whoo, it really brings out the worst in the crazies. Stuffed monkeys with Obama stickers, shouts of “kill him,” insane email forwards, there are countless examples from this miserable election of outright racism. But those are just fringe losers—bunch of racist nobodies, right? That’s why it’s fun that this week’s three worst examples of outright bullshit hate-mongering all come from professional, official Republican party staffers!

Example one, as providede by Gawker:

The “Waterboard Obama” Picture!

Who: The Sacramento County Republican Party!

What: Sacramento Country republican Chairman Craig MacGlashan was, if not responsible, at least “aware” of five images on the official Sacramento GOP website asking for Barack Obama to be waterboarded and claiming “the only difference between Obama and Osama is BS,” which doesn’t make any sense. (Bullshit is the difference? In what sense?)

Read the full story here.