Environmental journalism: Hollow criticism from MarketWatch.  Given that I am currently at the annual Society of Environmental Journalists conference, it seems an opportune time to comment on a column from last Friday by MarketWatch’s Jon Friedman, which attempted to cast environmental journalism—that’s right, as a whole—as incredibly hollow and gutless. — Columbia Journalism Review

Big storms good at burying warming gases. The torrential rains of a single typhoon can bury tonnes of carbon in the ocean, according to two new studies.
The findings help determine how much carbon that big storms have historically taken from the atmosphere and buried for thousands of years beneath the sea. And more carbon could be buried by these storms if global warming increases their intensity and frequency, as some scientists have predicted. — MSNBC

Australia’s Solar Power Tower. Australians have so much sunlight they sometimes overlook it as a natural resource. In an area of Australia nicknamed “Sunraysia” for it’s abundance of sunshine, an Australian company EnviroMission aims to build a solar energy plant on a scale never before seen. — Celsias

Forestry Tasmania defends swift parrot management. Forestry Tasmania has rejected a claim it is destroying the habitat of the endangered Swift Parrot. Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown says thousands of hectares of Tasmanian nesting ground is being destroyed each year in the Wielangta Forest. Forestry Tasmania says it deferred logging a 68 ha coupe when it became aware that Swift Parrots had decided to nest there. — ABC News