I’m enjoying how this is playing out, but it sh-ts me that some of the media outlets are comparing this hoax to the frauds committed by Norma Khouri and Helen Darville/Demidenko/Dale. Do journalists not recognise the vast difference between a hoax and a fraud? It’s one thing to design a stunt as a piece of cultural criticism, but quite another to make false claims for personal gain.
Both Khouri and Demidenko received money for their fraudulent acts, and neither intended, to my knowledge, to be outed. Neither designed their fraudulent claims as a culture-jamming exercise, and both duped the public instead of powerful public figures or paradigms.
Windschuttle’s response raises some interesting ethical points, and I can’t pretend to be pure here. There are huge ethical questions surrounding a hoax; many unresolved to me. But Windschuttle should’ve laughed the whole thing off. His response should’ve been headed: “Don’t know much about science, but I know what I like!”
But instead, he hung himself with petulance, and fixated on the more trivial aspects of the hoax. His attempts at damage control are becoming increasingly disingenuous — they actually bolster the very points raised in the hoax. And his take on my anonymity is laughable. James McAuley didn’t want to be outed either. The author of the hoax isn’t the story here. It’s telling that Windschuttle’s focus is on shooting the messenger instead of exploring the issues raised.
As for media reports that some of the “science” is plausible — well! Doesn’t anyone remember H G Wells? Isn’t that the point I made in Diary of a Hoax? Why has this stuff, and the utopian claims made for it, become not just plausible but normalised and unproblematic? Why isn’t it being scrutinised by fourth estate principles? How has it happened that journalists routinely fail to distinguish between so-called “scientific” techniques (like GM or nanotechnology) and the industrial products and claims they produce? All these things are just lumped together indiscriminately as ‘science’.
Well said Helen Dale! Sharon Gould should certainly come clean. Gould has done what s/he set out to do, and has covered KW with lots of egg. People have had their laugh at his expense, or tut-tutted like Edward James. The Gould one now needs to out her/himself so s/he can be properly congratulated (or castigated). As for KW, you’ve been caught out, now laugh it off, tho’ that may be too late. Then everyone needs to get on with their lives.
Hear hear Edward James.
Crikey is doing itself no favours by promoting this drivel.
How ironic that “Shane Gould” has the “sh-ts” for being called a fraud !
Having an ego while hiding behind a cloak of anonymity is…an oxymoron ?
According to science this hoax has caused pomposity levels to skyrocket, so let’s all get back to our big, fat, boring lives. I could use a sherry, actually.
I’m with Tom!
Yesterday I had my say (Copied here below).
There are a number of hoaxes that we all live by with a proper belief that the impacts on our lives are either good policy or smart ideas worth adhering to when they are unfortunately based on science abused into a form of pseudo-science. There are none courageous enough to ‘out’ these travesties. Too many with this sort of power have inadequate knowledge to instruct their intellect but are trusted to have it sorted..
From yesterday
Windschuttle isn’t accountable for quality of science. He doesn’t even pretend to be a scientist.
I am a scientist and have serious problems with professionals purporting to have scientific ability who have so little that they are guided by the wisdom that tells them my claims are ‘to good to be true’ ‘no one like me could be so far ahead of the game’ (I have been used to being way far ahead of the game since I was 14) that they call me a hoax with the comfort of that wisdom.
Even these horrible experiences contribute quality and dimension to my wisdom.
Wisdom is what Windschuttle could demonstrate and for which he could be accountable if he claims such. If babbling nonsense makes him popular he is no more accountable than the sexy teenage girl in a mini-skirt believing she is ‘hot’ or others believing she must be an easy poke.
Wisdom belongs to the wise we should stop trying to give it away to anybody that stands in-line with their hand out.