Coming from a position of knowing, I don’t think any certain ticket should be banking on the votes of the Cairns branch in the upcoming YLNP Executive elections…

The Partners at a certain national law firm in Brisbane and Melbourne are willing to take a pay cut, but the Sydney partners want to sack junior lawyers and admin staff. This is ironic when it is only the Sydney office that is making a loss.

I received my stimulus package cheque from my accountant less a $22 fee. I called to check why, and was told that they had to bank them into their account, then reissue them later, hence the fee. With over 4000 clients, this is good business if you can get it, but surely this is not what the government intended. How many other accountants are doing this?

Meanwhile on the cocaine laden, tin foiled, grassy, grassy knoll: Everyone knows the Labor Party is supported by the unions, and many of their members are bikie members. It’s also a known fact that the unions are full of corruption, and because of the bikies are most definitely are being funded with drug money. Doesn’t surprise people to see bikies entering Prime Minister Rudd’s house…

Oh and wait for this, go to the XXXXXXXXXX restaurant in Melbourne, the guy who owns it is called XXXXXX, he shot two people dead in a restaurant in Templestowe which triggered the real underworld war. And XXXXXX has photos of him shaking hands with George Bush inside the restaurant. So basically everything is and will be funded by drug money. Just depends where the drugs are coming from. The CIA has been busted in the past for smuggling hundreds of tonnes of cocaine. That’s a reason on why they crack down on the borders so much; logically it’s the right thing to do, to knock out the competition.

Now the photos in the restaurant depict the “right” side crims, and Labor is involved with the “left”, i.e. the bikies. Why on earth do you think bikies went to the PM’s house, with papers … AUTHORISED. I know much more, and have seen it first hand on the street, I have seen the money, and I know where it goes. Remember the Painters and Dockers? There is only one way of eliminating “violent” organised crime which is perpetuated by the “left” side, — outlawing all unions.

Fortunately in Melbourne it’s more of the “right” side of crims, which is actually a good thing … because everything is taken care of behind closed doors, where as the bikies just slaughter each other. Don’t believe me, look it up, I guarantee all the information is out there.

Oh and just to put the cherry on top, ASIO is investigating the PM for alleged spying for China. Isn’t it great we have an ex-Australian Communist member in Parliament? Who swore an oath to Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao?