No change at the top, the diversionary mention of the previously dreaded “R” word for the first time not completely working for a PM who clearly does not want to be dragged into an asylum seeker debate, no matter how much opinion may have moved on since 2001.

Further down the list there’s plenty of movement, mainly owing to SIEV 36, Bob Debus, Chris Evans and Sharman Stone all making rare appearances, while Peter Dutton heads back to the office to put in some more practice on those piggy, er … pithy one-liners.

The South Australian Minister for defending the local auto industry by driving really fast in your V6 is astonishingly forced to step down from his Road Safety portfolio, despite his expert knowledge of the issues involved.

TW Move Position Politician Press Index Radio Index TV Index Internet Index Raw total INDEX


0 PM Kevin Rudd 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 17,211 1,000


0 Opp Leader Malcolm Turnbull 409 654 645 303 8,148 503


0 Cabinet Julia Gillard 399 294 593 229 5,412 378


32 Outer Min Bob Debus 176 489 516 172 5,645 338


15 Premier Colin Barnett 311 342 519 116 4,469 322


-1 Cabinet Wayne Swan 261 243 247 278 4,500 257


26 Cabinet Chris Evans 163 262 204 86 2,813 179


2 Premier John Brumby 222 206 161 63 2,242 163


7 Minor Party Steve Fielding 133 144 298 65 2,237 160


-1 Premier Anna Bligh 264 132 140 101 2,123 159


-4 Premier Nathan Rees 161 123 52 274 3,200 153


-8 Cabinet Stephen Smith 95 165 41 282 3,425 146


12 Cabinet Peter Garrett 161 120 137 92 1,910 128


-2 Shadow Julie Bishop 58 153 158 81 1,985 112


12 Shadow Penny Wong 102 129 94 118 2,017 111


31 Cabinet Sharman Stone 99 199 86 53 1,829 109


-3 Cabinet Nicola Roxon 132 93 131 80 1,623 109


34 Shadow Peter Dutton 95 75 171 22 1,126 91


18 State Minister Tom Koutsantonis 87 169 41 19 1,254 79


8 Shadow Joe Hockey 41 46 100 62 1,073 62

Everybody loves a hoon.

Rank Politician Talkback
1 Kevin Rudd 410
2 Tom Koutsantonis 236
3 Chris Evans 107
4 Julia Gillard 99
5 Colin Barnett 59

Our celebrity selector Neil Walker’s last pick (or should that be Pict?) is fellow Scot Susan Boyle. Is it only me that finds it appalling that the world is so shocked and delighted that someone not so pretty can have a beautiful voice?

Meanwhile — we’ll miss you Iceman, and may all your troubles be little ones.

Press Radio TV Internet Total INDEX
Susan Boyle 102 65 309 50 1,759 131

There’s more on the Media Monitors website.