Peter Costello launches new website on the day of the budget. Coincidence or not?
There’s a lot of anger at the moment among the small to medium law firms that put in bids for the Victorian State Government’s legal panel on the basis that, firstly, the government wanted some smaller firms on the panel and that, secondly, the tender process was above board. How wrong we all were!
Tens of thousands of dollars later — we don’t have marketing staff for a tender of this size — and hundreds of hours working through the crap system for lodging tenders we find the whole thing was a sham. The same firms that were there before are there now! And guess what?
No small law firms, except for some in very specialised areas worth no money, made the grade. Instead we are fed again on a diet of legal services costing up to 50% more than it needs to … well done.
Ausenco have laid off more engineering office staff, with 50 professionals leaving from their Brisbane and Perth offices. Perth office does not have a single project in detailed design, and is surviving on feasibility studies and other work on the never-never.
Kleenmaid really did the dirty on their loyal customers. Friend of mine received a notice offering generous extension to warranty for washing machine and clothes dryer in the month before they closed their doors. She paid up $500 to extend her warranty-worthless!
Re: Kleenmaid really did the dirty on their loyal customers.
$500 does sound like a bit much to pay for a warranty extension, so you might want to have a chat with your friend about that.
I paid that much extended warranty on a second-hand $20,000 car a few years ago – turned out to be a real bargain with all the repairs needed during that time. But a washing machine and dryer? I’ve had my Fisher & Paykel units for ten years now without a peep.
Way to waste money!