Ken Judge, Hawthorn premiership player and former coach of Hawthorn and West Coast, these days finds himself behind the microphone calling AFL games for the ABC. And it was in this role that Judge has rightfully caused dismay among ABC listeners, and probably now to a wider audience, when during his commentary in the West Coast vs. Collingwood match on Saturday night, he said of fellow commentator John Dorotich’s waist line: “You are bigger than Hitler’s last gas bill.”
You can listen to Ken’s brain fade here:
I suspect this caused “dismay” among the ABC elite rather than the hoi polloi who listen to the footy.
Footy listeners, like most, are probably fed up with the ABC politically correcting thought police.
‘politically correct thought police’ it better be you joking JAMESK, and not Kenny Judge.
Are you “correcting” me or Ken?
Ugh, I remember the good ole days, when a bloke could crack a joke about those Jew bastards or the nig nogs and there wouldn’t be any hoyty-toyty professor types with their book-learnin’ to correct him about his so-called ‘offensive’ words.
Sadly those days are gone now. What is a man to do when he can’t make a good Holocaust joke now and then. This country has gone to the dogs I say!
I remember the “good ole days” too Daniel – I learnt about them in year 10 history. I learnt that there was a german man who also thought it was ok to crack a few jokes about those “Jew bastards” and “nig nogs”. Apparently soon afterwards (cerca 1939) lots and lots of people were murdered because suddenly a whole lot of people convinced themselves that there was some truth to the basis of their jokes.
I’m not a “hoyty toyty professor type” Daniel, but I did finish high school. Did you?
This country has gone to the dogs.